Poem: Poop of the Jockers

Adhrit Pradeep
3 min readOct 4, 2020


Read the ode of the poops by Adhrit, to discover the extended duty of Penguin dump, Wombat scat, Lemur gargantuan faeces piles and more.

Illustration by Shilpa Rani.

Adelie penguins poop so much their feces can be seen from space. Tracking penguin poop using satellites is important for understanding their population health and their environment (Read more, Video)
The oozy pink and the pungent scent, that can even be seen from the space,
who is it that makes such poop?
The Adelie penguin!The squamish squash, the pinkish bog, the linking log, the firing bottom,
la lala la.
Wombats are the only animals in the world that produce cube-shaped scat. They use 80 to 100 of cubes every night by squatting atop of each other to make fences around their territory (Read more, Video)
The toasted brown and the reeking loaf, that are shaped as cubes,
who is it that makes such poop?
The Wombat!The squamish squash, the cubical bog, the linking log, the firing bottom,
la lala la.
Algae is a major threat to corals as they block the light. Parrotfish play a huge role in keeping algae in check. They nibble on algae and coral’s calcium carbonate, grind it up with teeth at the back of their throat known as pharyngeal jaw. Their digestive systems take up nutritious algae while firing the sand poop out about 800 pounds each year (Read more, Video)
The white-sanded beaches and the rotten coral, that are made in its throat by grinding teeth,
who is it that makes such poop?
The Parrotfish!The squamish squash, the sandy bog, the linking log, the firing bottom,
la lala la.
Capybaras are giant guinea pig native to S. America. They only eat grass — and its own poop (partially digested food called chyme or cecotropes). Animals can’t digest grass very well, so to get all the nutrients out of it they basically eat it twice. (Read more, Video)

The greenish chyme and the nutrient lump,that they themself love to eat,
who is it that makes such poop?
The Capybara!The squamish squash, the greeny bog, the linking log, the firing bottom,
la lala la.
Kopi luwak is the world’s most expensive coffee made from partially digested coffee beans plucked from civets’ poop. Their digestive enzymes change the structure of proteins in the coffee beans, which removes some of the acidity to make a smoother cup of coffee (Read more, Video)
The bean studded dung and the rare ones, that is used as a coffee which costs a ton,
who is it that makes such poop?
The Civet!The squamish squash, the coffeeist bog, the linking log, the firing bottom,
la lala la.
The spider poop looks like a bird poop — white smearable slurry. There are solid crystals of guanine (undigested prey material) mixed in liquid. (Read more, Video). Although spiders consume insects that can potentially be carrying deadly pathogens and microbes, their poop remain free of any pathogens or microbes. (Read more)
The smearable white stuff and the slurry like a birdie poop, that are non toxic and microbe free,
who is it that makes such poop?
The Spider!The squamish squash, the guanine bog, the linking log, the firing bottom,
la lala la.
Lemur like many other animals share toilet spaces where they defecate resulting in gargantuan pile of faeces often away from where the animals feed and sleep. Lemur poop has seeds that land well away from their parent trees where survival is low (Read more, Video). They rely on shared toilet to communicate and is a form of social networking. They leave messages (by unique odours) in their poop or urine to stay in touch (Read more, Video).
The scented lumps and the sniffed ones,that is used for communication with near and dear ones,
who is it that makes such poop?
The Lemur!The squamish squash, the telephone bog, the linking log, the firing bottom,
la lala la.
Tardigrades excrete only when they molt. Waste matter produced (almost its body size) is not really pooped out as we would see in other living things (Video). Face mites lack any form of an anus . They store up waste in special large cells in their intestines until they die (Video). Jellyfish also lacks an anus. So they don’t poop but they just spit out (Video) the undigested waste. (Read more)
The non poop and the non poopers, that they still exist,
who is it that don't make poop?
The Tardigrades, Jellyfish and Face mites!How unimaginable they are,
la lala la.
la lala la...



Adhrit Pradeep
Adhrit Pradeep

Written by Adhrit Pradeep

Inventor, Writer, Miniature Artist, Wildlife/Nature Conservation Enthusiast, Mensa Singapore Member, Self Schooled adhrit2012@gmail.com, linkedin.com/in/adhritp

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